Lodhran isa District of Punjab since 1992.
It is a Agrarion city.
Total papolation of Lodhran District is 1 Lakh 50 Thousand.
Weat, Cotton and Sugar came are the papular crops of this city.
It is conected the all Metropolitan cities with the Highway Roads.
It is situated between the Multan and Bahawalpur Near Satluj River.
There are different Colleges thats are providing computer science,
commerce and Arts education to the youth.
There is a Railway Junction since 1875.
There are Post - Graduates colleges, that are providing quality education to boys and girls.
Mangos and Oranges are the quality products of Lodhran
thats are beings exports all over the world.
There are Parks and Playgrounds in our city.
The people of my city usually wear Shalwar Kameez.